
Get Paid Faster

Did you know after just 90 days, your chances of recovery are below 70%? With over 50 years collection experience, Graystone gets the job done fast. Most accounts and judgments are recovered in 60 days or less!

Get Legal Support

If your customer refuses to pay you what they owe, Graystone will assign a collection attorney from our trusted national network. Each and every detail will be handled for you until resolution.

Get a Free Credit Report

Sometimes you need the 411 on your customer. Find out if your delinquent customer has the ability to pay. We will provide you with a free financial profile.

#1 Trusted Collections & Judgment Experts

Professional, Ethical, Bonded & Fully Licensed

Fully licensed and bonded in all applicable states, and our professionals are highly trained and monitored closely to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.


  • After using a number of collection agencies, we gave the Graystone team a try. They did such a great job, we made them our primary collection agency. My sales rep is very knowledgeable, professional, and always follows up. Best agency we've ever used.
    Danny W.
    Large manufacturing company
  • Our company has used a lot of collection agencies, but none compare to Graystone Partners. We gave them 10 accounts to collect. We were blown away by their performance and professionalism. Literally, they collected 9 of our accounts within 90 days. If you are looking for superior performance and no games, give them a test!

    S. Martinez
    International Distributor
  • Our company placed accounts with Graystone and they collected most of them within 2 weeks. They literally collected over $100,000 in the first 5 days!
    Helen K.
    Global Staffing Company


Graystone Partners was founded by leading experts in the collection and judgment industry in 2006 and is now based out of Tucson, Arizona.

Our team knows you expect results. You can trust Graystone to deliver as we have worked on over a billion dollars in the last 10 years.

We are fully licensed & bonded and are current members of the Association of Credit and Collection Professionals (ACA).

We are designation pending with the Commercial Law League . This is only given to the most respected, verified, and very best collections companies.

Our Services

Successful debt and judgment collection depends upon one factor: information. Our process is designed to provide you with the highest level of transparency into what the debtor’s actual ability to pay is.

Graystone uses the most advanced investigative tools available. This allows us to capture financial data in real time to get you paid fast.


Upon account placement, Graystone will conduct a thorough investigation.  Uncover true intentions – demand payment – and get a resolution.


Each collection file will be worked a minimum of three times per week regardless of size or age. Private investigators and onsite visits when necessary to verify ability to pay.


Litigate to protect your financial interests while your customer still has the ability to pay. Graystone uses the top collection attorneys nationwide.


Graystone remits 52 times per year. Get paid fast on the revenue that you earned instead of getting used as a bank by your clients!


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5151 N Oracle Rd, Suite 209
Tucson, AZ 85704

Business Hours

M-F 6:30AM–2:30PM

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